Our coffees are imported from countries all over the world.

We take pride in sample roasting a variety of beans to find only our favorites to feature for you. Once we choose which beans to purchase in bulk, we work hard to determine the roast profile that will optimize the natural flavor characteristics of the bean. Similar to grapes, every coffee plant is impacted by its topography, climate and even method of harvest.


The Honduran coffee arrives from La Paz, Marcala, where the farmers formed COMSA (Café Organico Marcala, S.A.). COMSA uses the Fair Trade premium to fund teachers' salaries, school supplies, and to build kitchens. It is processed naturally, then sun-dried. The Mexican coffee is produced in one of the superior regions, Chiapas. It is located in the southernmost part of Mexico along the border of Guatemala. This area is full of mountainous highlands and dense rainforests, creating the perfect setting for specialty coffee production.

Grower Members of Cooperativa Regional de Agricultores Orgánicos de la Sierra (RAOS)

Altitude 1200 - 1650 masl

Variety Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, and Typica

Soil Clay minerals

Region Marcala, La Paz, Honduras

Process Fully washed and sun-dried

Harvest November - March

Certification Organic


The Epic Blend combines our Congo Kivu & Bali coffees, two powerhouses of flavor that together create a luscious experience. The Soprocopiv co-op in North Kivu processes this Congo Kivu. The co-op focuses on improving education and healthcare services, and uses their sustainable income to reinvest in improved tech-niques for planting, growing, and processing. The coffee grows in the Kintamani highlands atop a volcanic plateau.


A custom blend, named First Light by our baristas, is our take on the classic 'breakfast blend'. First Light consists of coffees from Peru and Guatemala. It is a lighter, brighter cup to wake your senses in the morning. This blend is an American roast, which is just past a light roast, into the medium roast spectrum. First Light is a palate pleaser with notes of bright orange, sweet caramel, and milk chocolate.


A custom blend, named Full Moon by our baristas was created using bright coffees to awaken the senses. Full Moon's unique flavor was achieved by combining two citrusy coffees, Tanzanian and Peru, with a more mellow coffee from Bali. Full Moon is bright, yet still smooth. Each coffee in this blend is roasted separately to maximize its natural flavor.


This custom blend, named Eclipse by our baristas, is a special roast of beans from Colombia and Sumatra. Both types of beans are roasted individually to maximize their natural flavor. The Sumatra is roasted slightly darker than the Colombian beans to highlight its innate boldness. Sumatran beans are known for their light earthiness, chocolate notes, and low acidity. Colombian beans, although rich, have a touch of brightness and a taste of sweet, mellow fruit. When combined at their ideal roast levels, it creates a wonderfully smooth aroma and taste.


This Zebra House espresso blend is a combination of beans from Indonesia, Africa, and South America. It has been meticulously crafted to have just the right amount of acidity, smoothness and notes of chocolate. Each coffee bean is roasted in separate batches to their ideal roast level, resulting in a mixture of medium and full medium roasts.